niedziela, 5 czerwca 2011


Only idiots tell  the truth. I'm intelligent , so I don’t tell the truth.
I’m difference from madman whit  that I’m not madman.
When I was six I wanted to be a cook. When I was seven -  Napoleon. Then my ambition didn’t stop grow, as did my mania size. When I was fifteen, I wanted to be a Dali and I was him.
The only difference between me and Surrealists is that only I’m really surrealist.
The difference between the real and doctoral  memories is that, as in the case of jewelry: a false jewel is seen like it;s  true, they more shine.
I think I am an normal painter. I think only my own visions are brilliant , not that what I create.
If you don’t  want to study anatomy, perspective drawing and art, mathematics, and aesthetics and the science of colors, let me tell you that this is more a symptom of laziness than of genius.

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