niedziela, 5 czerwca 2011


- 1 cup of powder sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- 300 ml cream 36%
- Favorite fruits such as strawberries, mango, blueberries, raspberries, bananas

How to do it
1. Warm cream up -but do not boil.
2. Blend the egg yolks with sugar.
3. slowly pour Chill cream  into eggs and constantly mixing.
4. All together heat for 5 minutes on low fire and constantly stirring.
5. Add to it fruit and mix again.
6. Move mass into a bowl or container and freeze until ice cream harden. When it will be hard remix it and  remove them from the fridge until ready (freezing time depends on the freezer).
you can also add raisins, chocolate pieces, candied fruit or melted chocolate.

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