środa, 11 maja 2011


Prince William and his wife began a honeymoon - Buckingham Palace officials said it and pointed that place where they stay won’t  disclosed. The British media think they are probably in the Seychelles.
About the Seychelles as a place where the Duke of Cambridge with his wife spend their honeymoon started be loud when real estate magnate from Hamburg, (Farhad Vladi)  told to  newspaper that Windsorom hired North Island, which is part of Seychelles.
Farhad Vladi is the owner of Vladi Private Islands - the company which has many picturesque islands, situated in the most beautiful corners of the world. North Island offers a quiet pleasant climate, white beaches and crystal clear water in the ocean
Seychelles (115 islands in the Indian Ocean, about 1.6 thousand. kilometers from the east coast of Kenya)  are very popular among tourists who are looking for luxury.

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